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More Than You Will Ever Know: An Open Letter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

In my twenty-one years I have come to realize some pretty great things. I am finally hitting the day that my parents have always told me would catch up to me, that “someday” I have always feared: “Someday you’ll thank me.” Well, Mom and Dad, “someday” is today, and I’ve come to appreciate more than you’ll ever know.

I have come to appreciate that no matter the weather, the time of day, or the number of times I back out of my very straight driveway, I can always count on my dad to be outside, directing me until I’m safely down the road.  He does this with a silly grin, spastic arms and the most loving heart I’ve taken for granted over the years.

I have come to appreciate that my mom wants to know where I am at all times. I understand now that this was done not to control every aspect of my life, but rather to ensure that I am safe and to express her love. I appreciate this so much that if I don’t hear from her for awhile, I call her, mad, asking why she hasn’t called me. Bet she never thought that would happen.

I appreciate that I have only had one first love and zero heartbreaks (knock on wood). Mom, you can take credit for this one too. Because of you, I have learned to take things slowly, wait for good things to come and believe in the fact that “things have a way of working out”.

I appreciate that time passes quickly. It is the one thing you can’t get enough of, long for more of and quickly forget that it is all around you. This year I have come to realize that time should never be taken for granted. Maybe it is because my graduation is fast approaching. I have lived by the line “I want to do it all now because I won’t be able to in just a few short months”. This is a horrible line to live by. In this perspective you are always waiting for the end. Make the most of your time, no matter where you are, no matter who you are with.

I appreciate that I cannot please everyone. I stretch myself too thin, trying to be in three places at once, trying to be there for everyone. What I have found is that no matter what you cannot make everyone happy. I have had to make choices this year, and it seemed that no matter where I was, I was worried about the people I was not with, rather than the people I was with. I got out of that mindset and realized that there is a time for everyone and it is virtually impossible to be there for everyone at all times.

I have come to appreciate that everyone struggles. Everyone who walks into our lives has a story. A story we may never know. Every person we meet is going through something. No one struggle is bigger than the other. So I beg you, do not stop learning about the people around you because if you’re lucky enough, they will not only walk into your life, they will stay there. Discover their story—I guarantee it’s worth it.

I have come to appreciate the value of my education. There have been numerous times where I have dreaded doing work. I have complained endlessly about my crazy professor who thinks we are only taking one class, her class. Well the truth is, we are all so lucky to be going to class, to be doing this work, because there are people out there, people our age and even older than us, who can only dream of receiving an education. We take that for granted. As my senior year comes to an end, I do not fear the life ahead of me, rather I fear that this is the last time when I will have a four page long syllabus telling me specific dates on which assignments are due or detailed tasks to be completed weekly. I fear the lack of guidance I am coming into. From here on out, I am in charge of what I do and when I do it. It is all on me to put myself on track and get me where I need to be. Are any of us ready for this?

I have come to appreciate my best friend this year more so than any other year. This year I almost lost her and I had no idea until I was at her side while she lay hurt and broken in a hospital bed. It was on that day that I realized nothing in our lives is promised to us. At any given moment things can change. As I stood there holding her hand and sharing in tears, I began to appreciate all of the silly and foolish things that only we shared, that no one else ever truly understood. I almost lost her and I appreciate every day that I see her when I walk through the door of our apartment, probably more than she knows.

I have come to appreciate my extraordinary, strong and hardworking brother. You may not know this, but you have always been the man whom I most look up to. You have always been there for me no matter how annoying I was, how many questions I asked or how much I did not deserve it. You have always been my partner in crime, watching endless marathons of The OC, One Tree Hill, and Friday Night Lights. You are the only person I can count on to always know that I’m quoting Clark Griswald or a line from Christmas Vacation. You are also the only person to follow it up with an even better line. I appreciate the laugh that you struggle to hold back and the smile that you try to hide beneath the comfort of your red hood, when I say the most ridiculous things. I appreciate those days most definitely more than you know.

I appreciate the fact that people are fundamentally good, that love may blur your vision periodically, and that those you love are not always going to be there. So here it is, Mom, Dad, Pat and my friends. It is with your love, guidance and support through the years that I have come to appreciate you all, more than you will ever know.






This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!