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Meet one of our team members, Emma Rayner!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Meet one of our team members, Emma Rayner!


What year are you at UNH?

I’m a junior.


Why do you love being on Her Campus?

I love having the freedom to write about anything. We also get a lot of free stuff.


What other organizations on campus are you involved in?

I’m the E.I.C of Spoon University, a sister of Alpha Chi Omega, and a member of Slow Food.


What do you do when you’re NOT writing?

I’m really big into napping, and eating candy. I also like to go out and drink rum buckets with my friends.


Libby’s or Scorps?

Well I’m still sort of new to the 21 club but I would say Scorps.


What’s your spirit animal?

Kanye West.






This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!