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Josh Sokol ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


Meet this week’s campus cutie Josh Sokol. He’s a junior here at UNH majoring in Marketing and Entrepreneurial Studies. You can find him at either Scorp’s or his house on Davis on the weekends (shout out to Birdpoo). He’s never had to use pick-up lines, and the reasoning behind that is pretty self-explanatory! You can look but you can’t touch though, ladies, this cutie is taken!




The Basics:

Hometown: Sherborn, MA

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Major: Business Administration- Marketing and Entrepreneurial Studies

Clubs or hobbies involved in at UNH: Peer Advisor in Paul College


UNH favorites:

Best class you’ve taken: CMN 455 Introduction to Media Studies

Worst class you’ve taken: Management Information Systems

Favorite place to grab a bite to eat: Chipotle for something quick. The Oregon Club in Ashland for something nicer.

Favorite UNH sport: Hockey

Favorite UNH bar: Scorps

Favorite UNH moment: Homecoming this year

Advice to underclassmen: Work hard, play hard. College flies by.


Fun facts:

Favorite movie: Good Will Hunting or Saving Private Ryan

Favorite TV show: Breaking Bad

Biggest pet peeve: Traffic

Dream job: Whatever Mark Cuban is doing with his life. He’s doing things right.

Song title that best describes you: Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi

View on Ugg Boots: If Tom Brady endorses them, I’m all for it (prefer boots though)

3 things you can’t live without: Dogs, friends, and family

If you could have dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be?: My grandfather. He died before I was born.

If you could have one super power what would it be?: Can’t beat flying.  Being able to travel the world that easily would be unreal.



Love life:

Biggest celebrity crush: Mila Kunis

Blondes, brunettes or red heads?: Brunettes

Favorite pick-up line: To be honest I’d have to google this…never have had to use lines

Sweetest thing you’ve ever done for a girl: I did a senior project in high-school teaching at an elementary, and I made one of my 3rd grade students ask my girlfriend to prom for me. She thought it was cute at least.

Ideal date: Going out to eat on Nantucket in the summer, walking around the pier after where the boats are docked, and getting ice cream at the Juice Bar.  A tradition with my girlfriend.

Best place to meet UNH girls: My house. Shout-out to 2 Davis.

Key to your heart: Liking all foods and having a good sense of humor

Biggest turn off: Pretending to know about sports when you really don’t

If you could choose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be and why?: Kevin Cray because he is an artist and has superb oblique’s


This or That:

Christensen or Williamson? Christensen. 4th floor.

Philbrook or HOCO? Philbrook

Aroma Joes or BNG? BNG

House party or Frat basement? House party

Beach or lake? Beach