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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


Say hello to this week’s campus cutie Jimmy Golden from Cranston, Rhode Island. He’s a junior Athletic Training major here at UNH. If you’re a blonde or brunette, you’re in luck! Just be sure to refrain from whispering, as it’s his biggest pet peeve. Read on to find out why you might not want to take him as a cocktail date BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t join him to a UNH hockey game or spring concert!



The Basics:

Hometown: Cranston, RI

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Athletic Training

UNH favorites:

Best class you’ve taken: None

Worst class you’ve taken: Pioneers of Psych

Favorite place to grab a bite to eat: Village

Favorite UNH sport: Hockey

Favorite UNH moment: Spring Concerts

Advice to underclassmen: Take nothing for granted.  

Fun facts:

Favorite movie: Anything with Will Smith

Favorite TV show: Sons of Anarchy   

Most embarrassing moment: Throwing up on the A Phi bus/my date freshman year.

Biggest pet peeve: Whispering

Dream job: Athletic trainer for a professional hockey team

View on Ugg Boots: Don’t like the ones with the buttons

3 things you can’t live without: My dog, Family/Friends, Music

If you could have one super power what would it be?: Read minds 


Love life:

Biggest celebrity crush: Jessica Biel

Blondes, brunettes or red heads?: Blonde or Brunette.  Me, having somewhat red hair probably shouldn’t marry another red head.  That’s like guaranteed ginger baby, no good. 

Favorite pick-up line: Excuse me, did you just fart?

Best place to meet UNH girls: Everywhere

Key to your heart: Be yourself

If you could choose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be and why?: Jim Marrinan, why not?

This or That:

Christensen or Williamson? Williamson

Philbrook or HOCO? Philly

Aroma Joes or BNG? Dunks

Libbys or Scorps? Both took my ID’s

House party or Frat basement? House Party

Beach or lake? Beach

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!