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Important Things to Remember During Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

While the rest of the world seems to be spreading holiday cheer and decking the halls, we college students are sentenced to a week of finals once again. Whether your finals are in the form of class presentations, essays, or exams, things can start to get stressful quickly. Here are some important reminders you should be giving yourself throughout the coming week(s) that you have your finals.

1. Procrastination is your worst enemy.

This one often goes overlooked. It can be super easy to procrastinate assignments and studying during finals season; trust me, I know. One thing that works for me is scheduling times throughout my week when I shut off my phone and head to the library for some focused study time. Remember that procrastination leads to cramming, and you can’t learn everything all at once. Study or complete work a little each day and you will do amazing on your finals.

2. take care of your mind.

Our brains are often overworked and underpaid during finals season. We need to make sure we are taking care of them! If you are feeling overwhelmed or upset during studying, know when to walk away and give yourself a break. Taking a few minutes to meditate and clear your head is a great way to refocus; I like to use the app Headspace for this. Or if it isn’t too cold outside, try exploring some of the trails around UNH! Just make sure you are taking care of yourself mentally since our minds are doing all the work during finals after all!

3. Take care of your Body.

In addition to taking care of your mind during finals season, it is super important that we are being nice to our bodies, too. While you might want to stay up to cram, getting 8 hours of sleep (or more) a night makes a huge difference in your ability to focus. And once you wake up from that blissful 8 hours, make yourself a balanced breakfast. You will feel energized and ready to take on whatever finals are thrown at you.

4. Studying is better with a friend.

Homework dates are a must during finals season, especially if you have presentations or essays that you need to get done. Studying with others allows you to hold one another accountable. It’s also great when it’s time for a break to have a friend you can talk to right there!

5. Grades aren’t everything.

Academic validation in college is very real and oftentimes unspoken. It is so important, especially during finals, to remember that a grade does not define who you are or what you are totally capable of. I’m not going to encourage the whole “C’s get degrees” mentality but they do, right? Your classes are what you make out of them, do not give a letter the power to ruin that.

Meg is a senior (2024) at UNH majoring in communication and minoring in business administration. She loves traveling, shopping, going to the beach, and coffee!