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The importance of exercising your civic duty

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Hello ladies! Or, rather, hello empowered college women! Tomorrow, Nov. 8, citizens all across the country will be voting for the 45th president of the United States. This right will be practiced by citizens of various demographics, and regardless of their comprehensive grasp on the candidates or their policies, each vote will hold equal significance. There has arguably never been a more important time for the educated youth of America to practice their civil duty than on this year’s election day.

A civic duty can be defined as the responsibilities of a citizen, oftentimes required by law. Although voting is a right, using your education to ensure our country goes forward in an honorable and prosperous direction is an obligation that I strongly believe eligible voters must understand the severity of. As empowered young women who are working tirelessly for a valuable education, it is irrefutable that the victor of the voting process will hold significant power in his or her hands over our education, life thereafter and our futures. With that in mind, it only deems logical that we partake in the decision making process in whatever way we can; voting being the final step.


As empowered college women in a country that inhabits around 320 million people, it is owed to our surrounding neighbors that we strive for securing a promising future. Our demographic of educated women is one that should not be underestimated. We see everyday that the world around us is not monolithic. Our peers study different majors, have different passions, possess different qualities and are driven by different things. However, the one thing we all share is our right to vote. Our civic duty to vote. The prosperity of the future is in our hands, let’s show ‘em the power that empowered college women posses!







This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!