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How to Show a Guy You’re Not Interested

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Ladies, we’ve all been there. We’ve all had a guy that gives you constant signs that he is interested in you, but you have no intentions of getting him get out of the “Friendzone”. He may be the sweetest guy around but you just simply are not attracted to him, which is okay! He might constantly text you, flirt with you, or find anyway to talk to you so it may be a tad bit difficult to let him know that you’re just not into him. So to help you out with letting him down easy I’ve devised some quick tips that you can use to show a guy that you’re not interested.


One-Word Answers

Giving one-word answers may seem a little harsh, but it definitely gets a point across. Okay, I’ll admit I may have gotten one-word answers from guys, but hey I got the idea and just moved on! So hopefully your guy will too. When texting, first start of with simple answers. For example, if he texts, “Hey you! What’s up?” keep it short and respond with “Nothing much.” As the conversation goes on start giving more one-word answers like “yeah” or “okay”. Maybe throw in the dreaded “k” if you’re up for it. That should give him the sign that you want to end the conversation. This can even be applied to in person but it may be a bit harder to carry through. If all else fails and this guy is still making his move then just stop responding. Your point to end the conversation should be noted.


Give Him The Cold Shoulder

So you’re at a party and the guy you met is hard-core flirting with you but you want nothing to do with him. So what do you do? Giving him the cold shoulder is a good way to get your point across. It may seem a little cruel but it’s effective. While he talks to you try not to make eye contact and play on your phone, give him short responses, or search around the room for a friend. Once ready to break away from the conversation with the guy, you want to be friendly but straightforward. Say something like “Hey I have to go meet a friend but it was nice meeting you.” Then walk away. If he asks for your number or if you want to get together and hangout say, “I’m not one to hand out my number” or “Maybe some other time”. Its short and simple and gives you time to make your exit.


If He’s Your Guy Friend

Now this one is a toughie. If one of your guy friends admits to having feelings for you but the feelings aren’t mutual, how are you supposed to let him down easy without ruining the relationship? You definitely don’t want to be blunt and straight up say that you don’t like him like that. That could be a huge blow to his ego. You have to take into account his feelings and let him down easy. You want to be genuine and mean what you’re saying. Say something like, “You know I love you, but I only see you as a friend. I’m sorry” or “I appreciate your feelings towards me, but I don’t see us going past our friendship.” It’s a good way to let him down and hopefully won’t ruin the friendship between the two of you.


If All Else Fails

So you’ve given him one-word answers, you’ve given him the cold shoulder, and even tried letting him down easy but he is still ranks a high score on the flirting scale with you, almost in the creeper zone, then you need to be straight up. You have to scoop up the courage to flat out say “I’m not interested in you like that.” This is probably the easiest way to get a guy off your back, but it’s also the hardest one to follow through with. It’s a definite possibility that your crusher’s feelings are going to be hurt but some guys actually prefer the truth rather than just walking around it. But after all is said and done, your wannabe lover will get the picture.


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!