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How to Reorganize Yourself for 2012

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Being a college student can feel like a circus act at times, having to juggle classes, work, extracurriculars, and for some, even internships. Set yourself up for a successful semester by getting organized before it gets in full swing.

First, get a calendar and a planner, or at least one of the two. It helps to color code your engagements by category- work, school, extracurricular, etc. It’s good to have a desk calendar or one hanging on the wall so you have everything right in front of you. A planner is good to  carry with you so you have your schedule on you throughout the day. I like planners with weekly and monthly views so I can carry along not only the months events but daily things as well.  

(This one is our personal fav!)

Sticky notes are a great invention that everyone should use! Use them to write down to do lists or remind you of important events or deadlines. They can be stuck on your lap top, in your planner, on the walls– pretty much wherever you need.

Before classes start, get your school supplies organized. Whether you prefer a notebook, or loose leaf paper in a binder, make sure you have a separate one for each class, so as not to get confused. Keep a three-hole punch in your binder so you can quickly organize your papers and handouts as you get them, and they won’t pile up. 

A clear desk is important for a clear mind! Getting rid of clutter is important so you can focus on your work without getting distracted. File folders are a good way to keep tests, notes, and paper work separated. Decorate a mug or jar to hold pencils and pens, or get a cute basket to put all of your school supplies in. 

(We’d get straight A’s with this desk space!)

Another way to utilize desk space, since space is limited in college, is to use thumb tacks to hang jewelry. Instead of jewelry taking up valuable desk space, buy some colorful thumb tacks and hang all of your necklaces and bracelets. It’s a space saver, but can also double as decoration.

As much as it hurts to hear, another big step to getting organized is to go through your closet. Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in months even if “you might want to where it someday.” It will only make more room for new clothes, and you can always donate them to someone in need!

New Jersey native, Stephanie, is a junior in the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. She is majoring in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Marketing and International Business & Economics. She loves the city and lived there last summer while interning for Ann Taylor. Stephanie loves sushi and Starbucks lattes. She is also a proud member of Alpha Phi and currently serves as the Treasurer on the Panhellenic Council.