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How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for the First Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


Don’t you just hate the case of the first date jitters? The nervous butterflies in your stomach feeling, the “what if” questions running through your mind, and the wondering if this guy is even going to like you or not. Well much to your surprise, the case of the first date jitters is actually pretty easy to cure.


Keep Calm and Carry On

Keeping calm is so important. Now, I’m not saying you have to do a full out meditation or pull out your yoga mat and do some deep breathing. What I’m saying is you need to relax. When you’re relaxed you’re less likely to freak out about the little things.  So do what you like to do to unwind. Maybe watch some T.V., call up one of your friends, paint your nails, or take a nap. Do anything to get your mind off of things. Don’t worry about your outfit being perfect or your hair being just right, instead focus on keeping calm and carrying on.


Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

It’s time to turn off that little voice in your head telling you that you’re not perfect, because who is perfect anyway? Everyone has flaws and imperfections and there is absolutely no reason to get hooked up on them. Instead embrace those flaws you think you have. There are plenty of things about you that you should be proud of. So don’t let something miniscule, like your makeup or hair not coming out the exact way you wanted bring you down. Don’t think that this guy taking you out is going to judge every little aspect of your life, because he isn’t. Bashing on yourself isn’t going to help with anything, so instead focus on all the amazing things that make you, you.


Confidence is Key

Now most people can agree that confidence is one of the most attractive traits a person can have. You need to put on your favorite outfit, look at yourself in the mirror, hold your chin high, throw those shoulders back and let your personality shine through. Like I said before, don’t be hard on yourself, you’re just going to bring yourself down. So do what you have to do to boost that confidence, even if that means looking in the mirror and telling yourself that you’re awesome (because you are). Just being yourself, along with some confidence, allows you to conquer anything, so how hard can a first date be?


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!