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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

By Sarah LaPorte

Seasonal depression is upon us people. Sun rising by 7:00 and setting by 4:30 is not good for the soul. We need vitamin D to survive and trust me, right now, no one is getting any under these gray snowy clouds. So, what can you do to pass the time? I have found a few things to keep me occupied during these cold months. Hopefully they will help you too.

Book a trip. I know it is easier said than done but man, going to Florida for a few days and feeling the sun on my face was an unmatched feeling. Even for spring break, personally, I am not going on some big crazy trip but, I booked myself a flight to go visit my friend in North Carolina, hopefully it will give me more sun compared to NH.

I have also found myself reading a lot more, I can only watch so much Euphoria or tik toks. My favorite author is James Patterson, I have literally only read his books for the last couple years as I prefer a good murder mystery to sit down and grab my attention.

Lastly, the best way I keep myself busy during the winter time is that I love to ski. I have been skiing since I was young and used to hate it and like I really hated skiing. As I grew older, I learned to love skiing, I feel so accomplished and good about myself after a long day of skiing. I am not staring at my phone or laptop all day, I’m just enjoying the outdoors. So, that’s really it, these are a few ways I keep myself busy during these dark cold winter months until spring time is upon us. 

I am a junior at the University of New Hampshire studying Homeland Security and I have a dual minor in Justice Studies and History. I am from South Kingstown Rhode Island.