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Hair Tutorial: French Braid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

For those of you who haven’t quite gotten the French braid down, don’t be discouraged. I mastered my first French braid only a few months ago. In this article, I’ll break it down for you so, with practice, you can tackle all those trendy braided dos you’ve been wanting to wear. Here I will show you the classic French braid that uses all of your hair. This tutorial can be used, however, to create a number of styles such as braided bangs.

Step 1: Bruch through all of your hair to get rid of any tangles.

Step 2: Gather the top section of hair (about two inches above your ears) and tie with a small, clear elastic. This makes starting the braid much easier.

Step 3: Take two sections of hair from either side of your top section and cross them over the center one at a time like you would when making a normal braid.

Step 4: After each side has been crossed over one time, you must add in a new piece of hair to each side section before crossing the sections over the center again. When grabbing a piece of hair to add to each section of hair, be sure to grab equal amounts of hair on either side and to grab the sections of hair from just under the previous section of braided hair.

Step 5: Continue this pattern down your head until you run out of hair to add. (You should run out of hair to add at the nape of your neck.)

Step 6: Once you have no more hair to add into the braid, simply pull the remaining hair over your shoulder and finish with a regular braid. Tie with another small, clear elastic.

Once your braid is finished, you can either tuck the elastic at the top of your hair in or cut it out. Finish your hair with a low holding hair spray.

I hope that this tutorial will help you guys master the classic French braid and move on to more advanced styles.

New Jersey native, Stephanie, is a junior in the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. She is majoring in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Marketing and International Business & Economics. She loves the city and lived there last summer while interning for Ann Taylor. Stephanie loves sushi and Starbucks lattes. She is also a proud member of Alpha Phi and currently serves as the Treasurer on the Panhellenic Council.