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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

In less than a month I will be walking across the stage to receive my diploma. My time at UNH is ending soon, and to be honest I am scared. Through these last 4 years I have learned, loved, and lost. I have come to know the worst and best parts of myself, and I am still learning to love those parts. I have made some of the closest and best friends, and also lost some too. College is all about learning, but what they don’t tell you is that you learn just as much outside the classroom as you do in. 

Senior year has been unexpected. It started out, well let’s just say, not so great, and it’s been a roller coaster since then. Living with 4 girls can be crazy. I have never cried and laughed more than I have in this apartment. We have had the best dance parties, movie nights, and family dinners. We have cried together, sometimes even made each other cry, but overall these have been my people, the girls I know I can go to for literally anything. The girls who have made this last year, a year to remember.

Looking back at my time at UNH makes me smile. There are some things I wish I could change, some things I wish turned out differently. But through every choice, every experience, I have learned. Sometimes you have to go through those hard lessons. The memories I have made, the friendships, the experiences, in the end they were all worth it, because they got me to where I am today. Yes, sometimes instead of going to the beach at 2am I should’ve probably went to bed, but screaming my fears, my faults into the ocean, will be a memory I cherish forever. 

The concerts, all-nighters, over exhaustion, hospital trips, sunset drives, every single memory holds a special place in my heart. My time here at UNH is coming to an end, but a new chapter is beginning. I may be a bit scared of the future, but I know I will continue to learn and to love, and I will always be a Wildcat. 

Goodbye UNH.

Casey is currently at Senior at the University of New Hampshire. She is studying English and Psychology.