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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

It’s Homecoming Week 2012!!! FINALLYYYY!! Who’s better to have as the Campus Celebrity for homecoming week rather than the person who will be at every homecoming event? One of our very own wildcats, Gnarlz!

At every UNH event no matter what it is, Gnarlz is going to be there. If you’re a freshman reading this article and you have no idea who or what a Gnarlz is, then here he is, Gnarlz is UNH’s newest mascot, adopted in 2008. He gives off a more athletic and, muscular physic opposed to his brother Wild E. Cat. The idea for Gnarlz was brought up because Wild E. Cat was requested at so many events each year. His name is pronounced “Narlz” and was picked from more than 50 suggestions.

Gnarlz made his debut on September 20, 2008 at a football game against Albany. Since that day Gnarlz has helped pump-up UNH students and fans at many Wildcats events. Gnarlz is a great addition to UNH because he brings a more athletic and competitive appearance to our events.

Gnarlz is perfect as a UNH wildcats because the wildcat is small and aggressive like the state of New Hampshire. Wildcats are the most vicious of all animals in North America. When matured, wildcats are said to be eight times stronger than a human of the same weight. Thus, a wildcat image perceives that the speed, litheness, cunning, and resourcefulness of the wildcat are to be found in the UNH athletic teams.

Whether he’s a graduation with a cap and gown on or at the first hockey game of the season skating around the ice between periods, Gnarlz is there to represents what Wildcat pride is all about.


UNH Her Campus Editor in Cheif Member since 2012Junior Chi Omega SisterHelath Management and Policy Major with a Minor in Sociology Originally from Orono, ME. Lover of Fashion, Fall, and Food  
Leah Tully is currently studying nutrition, wellness, and writing at the University of New Hampshire.