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Get the Guy You Want This Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Maybe you’ve been hooking up with the same guy all semester and he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend yet, or maybe you’re just on the prowl to be wifey-ed up in general. Either way, who wouldn’t want a guy to do all the cute holiday stuff with? There’s mistletoe, ice skating, and a couple of presents never hurt a girl! Starting a relationship in college can be tough, but Her Campus knows some tricks to help you land the guy, and the right one at that.

First, you need to present yourself in a way that makes you seem like you want to be in a relationship. Keep having fun and never change yourself for a guy, but most guys won’t view the girl makin’ it nasty with everyone in the frat basement as girlfriend material. If you want to be in a relationship, stop hooking up with rando’s, or most guys will just assume that’s what all you want and it’s who you are.

Guys only treat you as well as you force them to. Guys are pretty dumb, so girls need to spell things out for them. When you want to be treated as a girlfriend or transition into a relationship, you need to voice that. When a guy isn’t treating you right, or if he’s hooking up with other girls, if you don’t tell him that’s not okay, you’re allowing it to continue. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you want!

Don’t give it all away right off the bat. One of the best pieces of advice my mom ever gave me was, “Why would he want to buy the whole cow when he can get the milk for free!” Quirky, but so true. When you give it up right in the beginning, you’re not making him work for it at all. If he’s already getting that, why would he think that he needs to be your boyfriend or work any harder to get you. Make him wait and work a little. You’re worth it!

The most important thing is to go for what you want, and make it happen! But never dumb yourself down or settle for anything less than you deserve. If a guy isn’t exactly what you want, it’s not worth your time.