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Foe-Ever21: Why Fast Fashions are Bad!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Who likes shopping? Okay, dumb question. Who doesn’t love heading to the mall and scoring the perfect sweater or pair of jeans? No one! But have you ever thought more about the clothes you buy (I mean other than how super adorable they make you look)?

            There’s this thing called ‘fast fashion’ and it’s probably half of your wardrobe. Stores like Forever21 mass-produce trendy yet affordable pieces that are perfect for a chic woman on a budget. They produce clothing that looks like higher end retailer’s merchandise or even styles from off the catwalk. These stores are constantly moving their inventory around, showing customers their stylish designs for their low prices.

            So what’s the problem with this? First of all, many of these stores have been accused of stealing styles from other designers. But they are able to capitalize on these trends because of their cheap prices. Which is why you have to ask, “How are these prices so cheap?” These stores have also been accused of wage and other labor violations that would explain how they keep their low costs. Also, production of the fabric used for these clothes release harmful emissions in to the air. And once people are through with them, they are often carelessly trashed where the end up in landfills releasing even more harmful greenhouse gases. Most people are unaware that their fashions should to be recycled or reused.

            Try a new way to spice up your wardrobe this season- or, old way rather, with vintage!  Adding a vintage piece to your outfit makes it a fresh, one of a kind look on the streets. Not only that, but it is environmentally friendly as well, and usually pretty cheap! Going Green has been a big environmental concept for years now but who ever thought to reduce, reuse and recycle your clothes as well?

Look out for these Fast Fashion Culprits!



Urban Outfitters



United Colors of Benetton


Wet Seal

Charlotte Russe

Rue 21

I am a Junior at the University of New Hampshire majoring in Communications. I've spent a wonderful semester abroad in London attending Regents College also studying Communications.
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!