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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I love when fall time comes around although I will say summer is definitely my favorite season. Fall is a close first. Living in New England one of my many favorite things is the feeling of the seasonal weather change and the foliage in the trees. Whenever I think of fall it always reminds me of spooky Halloween movies, pumpkin spice, crisp air and pumpkin carving. Thinking back to when I was younger, fall to me always meant Halloween was close and trick or treating was coming. Being younger and getting to go out trick or treating was one of my favorite things. I loved dressing up in Halloween costumes, going out with my friends and getting big bags of candy. After going out trick or treating, and going back to your house to sort candy and seeing all the different candy variations or hitting the jackpot with a full size candy bar was my all time favorite thing about Halloween. Now being older, one thing I look forward to when fall comes around is all the fall drinks at Dunkin’ or Starbucks. 

Freshman! Psychology major at UNH!! Be happy and smile!!