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Everyone Needs a Little Girl Talk: Concert Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Walking into the Bank of America Pavilion in Boston, Massachusetts there were cars racing on the road, people walking everywhere and a man dressed in a neon green suit. It was a Friday night and everyone in the city was excited to be out and about on this beautiful evening. Entering the gates, there were people walking around promoting Coke products, Vitamin Water, selling t-shirts, and people wanting to take your picture. The venue is located right along the harbor of the Charles River, providing concert goers with a nice breeze and a view of the city that is absolutely breathtaking. The slightly over priced food and beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) are the only downfall of the night.

Entering the huge tent to our seats, we are notified by the staff that we are in the section farthest from the stage and not covered by the beautiful, white tent. Of course the seats aren’t horrible, but since everything is general admission, we made a point to sneak up closer to the stage without getting caught. Before moving, we sat patiently in our seats through the opening band, Delicate Steve. We put up with their blasé alternative, hipster, music that lacked a vocalist. During their hour-long performance, we made comments about how they were putting people to sleep. Their amateur skills were something that they could have improved with more practice.

After Delicate Steve’s grueling performance ended, the anticipation for Girl Talk to arrive was over. Hundreds of balloons fell from the ceiling, and at least 40 audience members began to dance on stage. The music blared, people danced, and we made our way closer to the stage. Being surrounded by happy, drunk, dancing, strangers, no one could stand still. Dancing, moving, and grooving to the beat. Fists were pumping, arms swaying, legs stomping and tapping, all at once. The venue was alive with the movement of the crowd and the glorious mash-ups that Girl Talk played for them. Audience members of all ages, races, backgrounds were dancing and singing harmoniously along to the tunes.

Crewmembers sprinkled confetti onto the crowd and shot out rolls of toilet paper into the air. The background screens included trippy images of cat eyes, owls, and peeling bananas. Towards the end of the show, they released huge clear plastic bags with rainbow colored balloons inside, making the crowd go crazy. Girl Talk reminisced briefly about a show that he had performed there in 2007 and as the show ended, everyone had tired eyes and happy smiles on their faces.

Marissa Marano is a senior at University of New Hampshire. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a minor in Business. She is from Danbury, Connecticut. She is involved in her sorority Alpha Phi at school as well as the Marketing Club. Outside of school Marissa enjoys blogging, traveling, and shopping.