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End of the Semester Struggles as told by Gilmore Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The end of the semester is so exciting because summer is right around the corner! But it does bring with it some struggles that we all feel from time to time and who better to help depict these struggles but the cast of Gilmore Girls!


You’re just so tired. Literally all the time.

Towards the end of the semester late night library sessions always seem to become a habit. You spend hours going over flash cards, making study guides and catching up on reading all in hopes of getting a stellar grade on your final exam. Staying up so late to get as much study time in as possible ends up impacting your sleep schedule. You’re tired 24/7 and getting the chance to sleep becomes a huge luxury. The invention of the nap is just such a blessing especially when the wave of “tired” crashes over you at the end of the semester.



When coffee becomes a necessity

The last few weeks of school are always filled with papers, projects and endless reading. All the late night study sessions for finals can start to catch up with you eventually. And when sleep is hard to come by coffee becomes your new best friend. Whether its French Vanilla, Caramel, Hazelnut, Regular, Hot or Iced, coffee is coffee and it can make a huge difference on your most tired days. It’s such a lifesaver and can help give you that push through the end of the semester. We can all relate to Rory and Lorelai’s coffee obsession when the end of semester rush hits us.





Mondays become especially difficult

When you really really really wish Sunday would just last a little bit longer. As the semester winds down motivating yourself to get through the first day of week becomes the ultimate struggle. Especially when it starts to get nice out being cooped up in class isn’t everyone’s favorite Monday activity. But hey at least there’s only a few more left before summer!



Studying for finals is all you do

Once the last week of classes is over studying for final exams becomes your number one activity. Literally all you do besides eat and sometimes sleep is study study study. The library becomes your second home as you go through your millions of flashcards quizzing yourself untll 2 in the morning switching from subject to subject. Pouring through your notes and trying to organize them into a study guide isn’t super fun but at least it’ll help you do better on the exam.


Having to move out of your dorm room

At the end of the semester the thought of moving out of your dorm becomes very real very fast. You start packing things away and slowly organizing items to be taken home. Somehow it seems you’ve acquired so much more stuff and lugging it down seven flights of stairs and loading it into your Dad’s SUV is kind of a pain. It’s not only that the process of it is annoying but also this dorm has been your home the for the better part of the last year and leaving it and all the good times it brought to you can be a very sad thing. Let’s face it no one really likes having to do this it’s not nearly as exciting as moving in. In the end moving out leaves many of us feeling similar to Sookie.


Everything just becomes one big awkward moment

Lack of sleep and stress from studying can easily start to catch up with you. For a lot of us this results in a lot of extra awkward moments in our lives. Whether this is dropping your plate in the dining hall or having your music play out loud in the quiet room of the library it seems as though the end of the semester brings with it extra awkward moments we can laugh about later.








Having early exams

Having an 8am exam is the worst. Setting alarms every five minutes and having your friend call you just to make sure you actually get up. Forcing yourself to go to the dining hall earlier than you ever had before just to have a quick bowl of cereal isn’t too fun. Also trudging halfway across campus so early in the morning to take a two hour exam is the definition of a struggle. This struggle is especially real for those of us who aren’t morning people. It’s ok Rory and Lorelai and understand. On the bright side at least it’ll be over before you know it!



Picking classes for next semester

One of the biggest struggles of the end of the semester is picking classes for next year. The planning, check lists of requirements and meeting with advisors can be a lengthy process. Finally you’re set with a list of classes and back ups but of course there’s always the potential that your registration time won’t be good. All you can do is wish and hope that the classes you need won’t be full come registration time.


Stress eating

We all do it. Studying and prepping for all your exams becomes overwhelming and food is comforting. Whether it’s buying a late night snack or grabbing that cookie on the way out of the dining hall we’ve all indulged a little here and there when the end of the semester is in full swing.



Although these struggles can seem super annoying in the moment they will all pass really soon. Once you get through them you get to go home for the summer and reunite with family and friends that you’ve missed so much which definitely makes all of this so very worth it!



This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!