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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

On this campus, every day is a great day to be a wildcat. Some, however, more so than others…

#7: Wednesday

I know, I know, it probably comes as a shock that Monday doesn’t top this list (don’t worry, it’s coming). What is it about Wednesdays? First of all, I still have to sound out “Wed-nes-day” when I’m trying to spell it, and like, what is that. Secondly, this is just not a fun day. It just isn’t. Like congratulations, you somehow managed to survive the first excruciating half of the week and this day is just going to draaaag onnnn untiiiil Thuuuuursday. However, Wednesday is sushi night at Hoco and I would never rob it of that glory. But other than this, I’m over you, Wednesday.

#6: Monday

Although this seems like this day is the classic mood killer of all of our lives, there is still a part of me that remains loyal to Mondays. After all, it is the start of the week and always gives you this sort of ambition to better yourself; on Monday, I’ll start eating healthy; on Monday, I’ll finish all of my homework; on Monday, I’ll go to the gym. It’s the New Years Day of the week, basically. And although I convince myself that I’m actually going to achieve these fantastic goals, Monday usually ends with me staring into the refrigerator for three hours straight after nearly having an asthma attack walking up one flight of stairs while settling down to a decade long Netflix binge. But still, you’ll always give me hope, Monday.

#5: Sunday

Sundays often stress me out. I’m usually hungover exhausted from my studious week, and just knowing that classes resume again the next day gives me such an impending feeling of anxiety. And doom. This, like Monday, is always a day that I plan to accomplish so much on, and often spend it being absolutely lazy. But that’s the whole beauty of it, because on this day, you’re given every right to relax. You have to be in love with those easy-like-Sunday-mornings; the day of fabulous breakfasts, football (or Revenge…), and friends. And being in a line that extends onto the road to get a coffee from the Hut.

#4: Friday

Rebecca Black wasn’t kidding; Fridays are great. “Which seat can I take?” Any seat, because it’s finally the weekend! You’ve got three days ahead of you filled with so much fun and so many mistakes. No more classes, no more commitments, and no regrets. This day really speaks for itself. It’s Friday, I’m in love.

#3: Tuesday

Yes, you read this right; Tuesday comes after Friday on this list. Probably the most random day ever, but there’s something about Tuesdays I just love, even though they fall right before Worstday. I think I was born on a Tuesday or something so I’m biased, but after the lethargy that is a Monday morning, when this day comes around I feel more energized and ready to go for the week ahead. And then there are those glorious nights you have nothing due and your friends convince you to go to the bars and you wake up all disoriented the next day because it feels like the weekend but it’s not and you go to class not even knowing where you are and then you pull a tortilla chip out of your hair and isn’t it just great?!?!

#2: Saturday

A word that literally has “UR” in it because that’s what it is; all yours, just like the world! Right smack dab in the middle of your weekend, you still have the time to think about doing your work, but you also know that you have two whole days to do anything your heart desires. A day for adventure, spontaneity, wine, and knowing you get to sleep in the next morning. You keep doing you, Saturday.

#1: Thursday

AKA every day on this campus…seriously, does anyone else feel like it’s like the movie Groundhog Day with Thursdays here? Am I complaining? Of course not, because Thursday is the Leondaro DiCaprio of life, especially at UNH. Everyone around you is jubilant and buzzing with plans for the night, and the day is alive with possibilities. You’ve got the entire weekend stretched out before you, your friends back home waiting for you, and tons of wonderful what-happened-last-night-moments just asking for you to make them. Bless you, Thursday. We love you. 

english major with a minor in quarter-life-crises
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!