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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Introducing this week’s campus cutie, from the class of 2014, Cody Cormier.  This all-star athlete spends his time playing for the UNH Men’s Soccer Team.  He is a hospitality management major and his dream job is to one day own a bed and breakfast somewhere on the coast.  Cody told us one fun fact about himself is that he can ride a unicycle, how talented.  When asked what three things he can’t live without he said family, friends and popcorn.   




The Basics:
Hometown: Bangor, Maine
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Hospitality Management
Clubs or hobbies involved in at UNH: Varsity Soccer
UNH favorites:
Best class you’ve taken: Music theory
Worst class you’ve taken: Financial Accounting
Favorite thing to eat on campus: Popcorn
Favorite UNH sport: Soccer 
Fun facts: I can ride a unicycle
Favorite movie: Lion King
Favorite TV show: Cops
Most embarrassing moment: Getting locked out of my dorm room with my roommate, Mat Weinstein, with just our towels freshmen year. 
Biggest pet peeve: Chewing loudly
Favorite song to pre-game to: Aint No Mountain High Enough 
Flats or heels: Flats
If you could hang out with one celebrity who would it be? Ellen DeGeneres
If you could have one super power what would it be? Breathe underwater
Favorite kind of beer? Cheap
Love life:
Biggest celebrity crush: Jennifer Aniston
Blondes, brunettes or red heads? No preference  
Ideal date: picnic and a bike ride  
Best place to meet UNH girls: Library
Biggest turn off: Cocky
Biggest turn on: Smile
If you could choose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be and why?: Tom Hutter, because he’s the sweetest.