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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

This year has blessed me with some of the best people in my life, and I have no idea how I got so lucky.  I’m not joking when I say I wouldn’t have made it this far if they weren’t by my side. Not only have I gained my biggest support system away from home, but I made friendships that I know will last a lifetime (lol sorry guys, you are all stuck with me).  I often look back on how I’ve only known these people for such a short amount of time, and yet I can’t remember a time without them by my side. A friend is someone who is always there for you, whether it’s when you are crying down Main Street, when you want someone to get food with late at night, or when you feel like giving up and need some motivation.

I reflect on my life quite often, and when I reflect on how much I have changed and grown as a person over the last year, I can’t help but think about the people around me.  My whole life I’ve been told by my parents, teachers, and other adults that you are shaped by the people you surround yourself with. As a 12-year-old this concept didn’t make much sense to me, but now as an almost 20-year-old I can see exactly what they were talking about.  The people in my life have encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and try things I never would have pushed myself to do otherwise. Without them cheering me on, I never would have joined my sorority, applied to my job, or joined any of the clubs I am apart of. My life would be much different if I had never left my little bubble.  

Throughout life, you will meet so many different people who all differ in their own ways.  Some people come into your life for a short period of time to teach you important life lessons, while others come in to support you and pick you up when life gets tough.  I am proud to say that everyone who is currently in my life today has lifted me up and impacted me in many positive ways. I have learned to be more aware and caring of others in their times of need, as my friends are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or a person to rant to.  I have learned to enjoy the little things in life, like going for random coffee dates and treating ourselves to a nice dinner. I have learned how it’s okay to take a break when you are stressed, but also how important it is to sometimes keep your head down and just keep going. All of these little things that my friends have shown me have made me the person I am today, and without them, I don’t know where I would be.  Thanks for all that you guys do for me. You deserve the world.

UNH '22 Bio