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Being Sick At Home Vs. At School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I’m speaking from personal experience and trust me-this is not something you want. Being sick at school is completely different compared to being sick at home in the comfort of your own bed with your dog watching Netflix.

At school, you don’t have your mom. Moms somehow all become doctors the minute their children are sick. They know exactly what medicine to take, how much of it to take, and how often to take it. They can diagnose your sickness immediately and know all the perfect home remedies to help speed along the process. When you’re at home, you have somebody that can go out and buy you tissues every hour, grab you the ridiculous amounts of blankets you need when you get the chills and the fan when you start sweating immensely. Granted, you might have a friend here that could double as a mom but it still is not the same (I mean only your mom knows exactly how you like your back rubbed).

At home, you can lock yourself in your room until you look somewhat decent but when you’re living in the dorms that is not a possibility (chances are, no one wants to be around the sick girl anyways so you might get lucky). Depending on how sick you are, there’s still something called class that you most likely need to go to. Also, you no longer have a private bathroom so you better warn the rest of the girls on your floor that you have caught the UNH plague- and it is not pretty. Don’t even worry about your roomie though, she’s already seen you at your worse.

The stress of missing classes adds on to the never ending headache you have which makes a quick recovery nearly impossible. Your head is spinning so much that you can’t even try to catch up on all the work you’re missing while lying in bed and you sit there thinking about how screwed you are. It’s day three and you’re wondering when you’ll gain the energy to even make it to the bus stop so you can make an appointment with health services. Once you finally get there, you immediately feel worse being in the waiting room with a dozen other kids who are just as sick as you. Not to mention- this is the first time in days you’re showing your face in public for longer than 5 minutes and it’s not exactly the self-esteem boost you’ve been needing.


I know being sick at school feels like the world is ending-but hang in there! The plague has to end at some point (maybe once the dining halls get rid of the fingerprint scanners) and once you get it, you know you’re in the safe zone for at least another few months. But for now, start up your Keurig and make yourself a nice cup of hot tea and grab those tissues girl because sadly, you don’t have your mom or your dog but you do have Netflix and your laptop. 

I am a senior at the University of New Hampshire studying Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in communications. I'm so excited to be HC UNH's CC this year! Check out my blog: https://www.cupoftblog.com/ HCXO <3
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!