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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

With spring break right around the corner, I frequently find myself feeling anxious for the warm, sunny weather that comes along with spring and summer. I find that thoughts of beach days and tanning can distract me from the important things. When I get sidetracked by only thinking of the summer days to come, I often develop a bad case of Spring Fever. I feel like I am stuck in a rut and most of the time, I end up grumpy or tired. So, if you are also struggling to get over your spring fever this semester, here is my best advice to help you finish the semester strong.

Find a way to practice gratitude.

Most people look forward to the beautiful weather that is brought by spring and summer, but that can cause feelings of going stir-crazy. If all you can think about is summer break or a bright and warm spring afternoon, you are bound to become anxious. This, of course, can start the downward spiral of becoming distracted or unmotivated. In order to stop your spring fever in its tracks, try to appreciate the here and now.

In practice, gratitude and appreciation can mean different things to different people. As long as you carve out a small piece of your day to dedicate to the things you are grateful for, you’re practicing gratitude perfectly. For one person, it may be naming three things they are appreciative of while they shower. For another person, it may mean taking 10 minutes to journal their respective ideas. No matter how you implement gratitude into your daily life, doing so will allow you to focus on the positive aspects. This can help ease your anxiety as you wait for the nice weather. Once you are able to take the pressure off of the future and focus on the present, you’ll be more capable of staying on top of assignments.

Spend more time outside.

If you’re like me, you love the spring and summer because the weather is so gorgeous that it basically invites you to spend time outside. Winter does the exact opposite. I constantly feel trapped inside because of the chilly temperatures and windy nights. However, most of this has to do with the limitations that I put on myself. So, if you have similar habits of trapping yourself inside during the colder months, this tip is for you!

It may be a challenge at times, but getting outside even during the colder months can help boost your mood and get you through until the end of the spring semester. Whether you walk the long way home from class, go snowshoeing or intentionally spend five minutes outdoors, a little Vitamin D can be a game changer. Allowing yourself to experience this small mood boost can be enough to stay academically motivated. Staying even more active by snowshoeing or skiing can also help with your mood, but more importantly your sleep. All of these small winter activities can help push you through the final stretch of the semester without being too anxious for summer. Don’t forget, as long as you bundle up, it won’t be bad at all!

Set a schedule and stick to it.

One of the hardest challenges to overcome while fighting spring fever is staying on top of assignments, plans and all other types of obligations. This can cause a lot of stress and could put you into a funk, ultimately hurting your academic and social life. The easiest and most productive way to overcome this challenge is to plan out your day. There are so many ways to do this successfully, including creating lists and using a digital calendar. Figure out which method is the most feasible for you and do your best to stick to it!

Checking off list items can help you feel productive and having your day planned out on a calendar can help you feel organized. These things can help you feel successful, which can also help you feel content in the present, instead of looking forward to summer break where you may “finally be able to relax.” So, I challenge you to set a schedule for yourself to stick to. See how it feels!

Just practicing discipline during colder months can make it so things don’t catch up to you in the spring. You may still look forward to warm weather, but it won’t be the only thing pushing you to end the semester on a positive note. Your anxious cravings for summer will subside and you’ll have more energy to focus on academics.

The end of the semester is right around the corner and so is the weather we have all been waiting for. Try not to let yourself get too caught up in wishing for sunny days. Implementing simple habits like the ones above can help you avoid catching spring fever and allow you to finish the school year strong!