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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you’ve never been to The Coffee Station over in Newmarket, we highly recomend it- the coffee is unreal, and so are the employees. This especially goes for this week’s campus celebrity, Aiden Earley! Keep reading to find out details about The Hut/Shack you wouldn’t have known otherwise!

Name: Aiden Earley

Hometown: Brattleboro, VT

First off, what is your favorite part about working here?

I could say that serving coffee to car loads of extremely attractive human beings all day is the best part, however my favorite part is truly the girls that I work with. They are my Shack Sisters and I love working beside them.

What is your least favorite part about working here?

I would say optimistically, that 70% of our customers understand that we honestly make our living through the tips that we accrue. My least favorite part would be the remaining 30% who don’t seem to understand that.

What is the most common flavor that is ordered?

I would guess: Swiss Mocha Almond

What is YOUR favorite flavor?

Payday, Sweet Potato Pie, Caramelized Ginger Bread. In that order. (That changes often)

What questions do you get asked the most while working?

“Can we all pay separate?”, “Which is better?”, “Do you go to UNH?”



What times are the busiest times? What days are the busiest days?

Things are usually pretty insane around 10AM-2PM Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Is there a lot of regulars who come where you just know their order before they have to ask?

That list has grown and grown for 2.5 years,  always helpful for keeping the lines moving fast.

Who is the genius who comes up with all the special flavors?!

I’m afraid that is top secret.

What is the best/funniest story you have from working here?

On a few occasions, confused customers have blatantly smashed the front of their vehicles into the side of the shack only to promptly take off  out of embarrassment.  I have always found that hilarious for some reason.

What do you do when you arent working here?

All kinds of things, lately I have been exploring Maine, I attend music festivals, do some gardening, write music, record music, perform music, listen to music, talk about music.. 

And last but certainly not least, do you call it The Coffee Station, The Hut, or The Shack?

I probably shouldn’t say this, but all the cool kids call it The Shack.

I'm a Junior studying Communications: Business Applications at UNH. I love to travel and am currently planning to study abroad next year in Barcelona!
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!