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Activities To Do Over Spring Break 

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I know we have all been waiting and the time is now here. Spring break season is in full swing and I am excited just like the rest of you. Spring break can mean a lot of things to different people, whether that’s going home, petting your dog, or taking a trip somewhere cool, we all earned that well-deserved break. Here are some ideas of some activities to partake in over spring break whether you are home or 1,000 miles away. 

  1. Read a book. I have gotten back into reading and I have fallen in love with it again. There are so many genres and different authors that you are bound to find something that you like. Some examples of books that I have liked to read are Twisted Love, Icebreaker and The Seven Year Gap. 
  2. Try a new cafe. I love going to new places or even just trying a new drink from my usual coffee spots. It is a fun activity to do with your friends, or even solo. You can never go wrong with a cup of coffee! 
  3. Spend some time in nature. Whether that’s a Florida beach or a walk on a trail in the woods, spring break is a great time to reconnect with nature. Spring is starting and nice days are coming, so it’s time to get outside! I know you will find me burying myself in the sand and the sunshine this week. 
  4. Try a new hobby. This week is a great time to explore what makes you happy and entertained. You could take a yoga class, start painting, start drawing, or even try a new sport! This is a great social activity or a solo activity; either way, it is a great way to relax this spring break. 
  5. Be active. For me, a break from school means having more free time to do the things I love, like going for walks or going to the gym. Even walking on the beach is active and relaxing. Maybe even go for a bike ride or walk around your block! There are so many ways to implement being active during break and it will be a great way to decompress and relax. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading my spring break activities and it gave you some ideas of what to do with all this extra time. Have a great break and make sure to take care of yourself and relax! Love, Britaney <3

unh '25 be kind to others & love yourself<3