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9 Things I Learned in College, Told By a Sophomore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

 As we go through these four years of school, you learn a lot. From learning how to write the perfect essay in English 401, to learning how to derive equations in Calculus 1. You come to college to learn those things, and learn specific things that will help you in your future career. However, that’s not all we end up learning. We learn so much out of the classroom, from friends and relationships to learning about ourselves. Here is a short list of things I have learned in my 2 years:

1. Being stressed is OK  

   You are going to be stressed, this is college! The trick to being stressed is to not lose yourself and let it consume you. Stressing is not something out of the norm, and unfortunately we all learn to get used to it.


2. How to reach for your dreams

Anything you thought you couldn’t do, is reachable. This is your time to shoot for every single thing you have always wanted to. College is the best time to try out anything, because chances are there are 100 other people reaching for the same thing and none of you are crazy.


3. Regrets are not worth your time

Everyone does stupid things, the trick is to just push past it and learn from it. Everyone makes mistakes, but they happen for a reason.



4. How to appreciate every moment

After freshman year I realized how quickly these four years are going by. Cherishing every moment, and never taking for granted each night you have with your friends is a biggie! There are only four years, make it count!


5. Who your true friends are

Whether it is your friends at school or your friends at home, at college you will see who is truly there for you and who will stick out through thick and thin.

6. How close you get when living with your best friends

At times it is hard living in a confined space with someone for so long, but you really get to know someone and truly become BFFs when you live with them. These are the people you see every day, and you know more about them than any of the friends you had in your 4 years of high school.

7. Don’t hold back from a relationship

When you get to college just about everyone tells you not to be in a relationship, but do not let this hold you back! Everyone is different, this may be the time you meet your soulmate! So don’t hold back!


8. Just be yourself

Do not try to change your self to fit in, there is a ton of people on campus who are just like you and will love you for who you are. Maybe in high school you got in with the wrong crowd, well this is your chance to find the right crowd.


9. Who I am, and more importantly who I am not

You discover yourself in college. Being on your own, and having to decide what you like and what you don’t like is a huge way to find yourself. This is the time where you stop pretending, and stop trying to fit in. You do the things you like and don’t like and along the way you learn more about yourself than you could have ever imagined.

Khrystian Fawcett. UNH Sophomore, IT major.
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!