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8 Things To Do When The Stress Is Too Much To Handle

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

So, if you’re like me you’re at the point in the semester where things are piling up and you are beginning to wonder if you’re going to be able to handle it….for another 7 months before the long beautiful days of summer set in. You were so excited to get back to school, to hang with friends, to live in your dorm or apartment away from your parents and now you’re staring aimlessly at your Lilly Pulitzer agenda book wondering how in the world you are going to get everything done. Maybe it’s that 10 page paper for philosophy hanging over your head, or a test in statistics, or meeting a deadline for a group project. Maybe its finding the time to grab lunch with that friend from high school (who you feel obligated to see every once in a while since they go to the same school as you), or trying to stay awake for your 11pm soccer co-ed soccer game, and you find yourself wondering how you got here and why it’s already 10pm. The truth is, you’re going to get it done because you have to but if you are looking for a few ways to procrastinate and relieve a little stress look no further. 1. Call your dad: Who better than to call the first guy that ever had your back and have him tell you how great you are doing. Maybe he’s someone to rant to about a professor or test grade you got back or maybe you are just looking for a little motivational pep talk from the old man, but you can almost guarantee he will know exactly what to say. 2. Go for a run: Alright, stop and put down your pen (you probably aren’t even writing anyways), toss on your favorite t-shirt, grab your headphones and your iPhone 6 (because lets be real you know you have one) that’s full of the latest tunes and head out into the fresh air for a little while. Endorphins or “feel good hormones” are released during exercise and this will give you time to gather your thoughts and collect yourself. Putting a time or distance limit on your run will help keep you focused leaving you time to get back to the books. 3. Make a list: Nothing quite helps me more than making a list. Now if you’re already super overwhelmed don’t go making a list with everything you have to do for the next seven weeks, break it down. Making a today list, a tomorrow list, and maybe even a next week list of things you have to do and their due dates. This will help keep you organized and clearly lay out what you have to get done and when. And let me tell you, coming from experience there is no better feeling than crossing something off that list. 4. Turn up the tunes: It’s possible you aren’t someone that can work or study with music on but if you’re feeling stressed toss on that Spotify or Pandora for a little while and I promise it will help! There is no better way to distract yourself for a little while then belting out some Beyoncé while dancing around the room singing into your hairbrush. But when your roommate come back from class wondering what they heck your doing…play it cool. 5. Do some laundry: Studies show that if it’s taking you more than 20 minutes to get into an assignment you should move onto something else so what better than to knock out a little laundry (mom would be so proud!!) When school work isn’t entertaining you, why not do something somewhat productive, that way you don’t have to wear the same pair of leggings for the third day in a row. Oh and hey if you add laundry to your list of things to do, remember, you can cross it off!! 6. Grab a Bite to Eat: It’s possible you are having trouble getting things checked off your list because you keep getting distracted from the noises coming from your stomach. Taking the time to run to the dining hall isn’t a bad thing and could be just what you need. Remember to grab a banana on your way out…you’ll thank me later 7. Power Nap: Tired? Maybe. Maybe not. It could be that all you need is a quick 20 minute power nap to recharge your battery. Cat naps are better known for keeping your energy level up than even a large coffee, and it’s cheaper too! 8. Cry: A single day has only 24 hours in it and unfortunately you can’t buy any more. You can yell, you can pray or you can ask for more but there is no one out there that can give you any more hours to get things done, but they can hand you a tissue to wipe your tears. Crying doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you have given up, it’s just a quick way to release your emotions and it’s a guarantee you’ll feel better after doing it. So when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed or maybe a little of both, take a step back and remember that you’re going places no matter how long it takes you, or how many procrastination techniques you have to use in the meantime. 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!