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The 8 People You Will Become Friends With In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

To say the least, college is an adventure. From the moment you nervously step foot on campus during freshmen move in weekend to the final steps taken at graduation as you anxiously receive that diploma, the memories made during this four year journey are oneā€™s that will forever be cherished. Whether it be the hours on end spent in the library cramming for an 8 a.m. exam or the nights that didnā€™t come to an end until then, memories are constantly in the making. As time passes, you may lose track of how many mozzarella sticks you consumed late night from Wild Kitty. Just the same, the immense amount of regret for waiting hours in the freezing cold for a Nelly ticket probably (hopefully) will subside.Ā  However, what will not are the faces of those standing next to you in the midst of all of these memories.Ā 


The friendships made in college are one of a kind. In high school, it was not uncommon to have one or two ā€œbestā€ friends, oneā€™s that you went everywhere with and were basically attached to at the hip. And in college, this still may be true. But as we immerse ourselves into a community with thousands of new faces, the oneā€™s we are drawn to becomes less random. The friendships we make are no longer based off of whether a person is in our geometry class but rather off of what that person adds to our lives. From personal experience, the friends I have made in college shed a new meaning on the old saying ā€œDonā€™t keep all of your eggs in one basketā€. Maybe the girl you love getting coffee with isnā€™t very lively on the weekends, or the friend by your side every Friday night is a terrible study buddy, thats okay! If someone adds something positive to your life, value that. Whether you admire them, learn from them, or are simply encouraged by them, having multiple people who bring out various qualities in you is one of the best gifts being surrounded by thousands of people has to offer. So whether some of these people encompass dual rolls or you can point at ten different people who all make you laugh, here are eight awesome friends college will introduce you to.


1) The Mom Friend: There is always one in every group. This friend makes sure that you donā€™t forget about your 8 a.m. appointment at Health Services while simultaneously heating up your chicken soup because you caught the UNH plague (again). She is so reliable. Whether she is making sure you get home safely after youā€™ve had one too many or throws away your expired groceries, we all might have lost a life or two if it were not for her.Ā 



2) The Smart Friend: This girl has her crap together. Most of the time youā€™re convinced sheā€™s a robot but regardless, no matter what it is you ask her, you are confident she will give you the right answer. You admire how studious and organized she is, and when you find yourself drowning in schoolwork, this friend can always be counted on to drag your butt to the library. Not only you but your GPA owe this friend one thousand thank yous!


3) The Motivated Friend: Whether its 10 p.m. on a Friday night or 6 a.m. bright and early Saturday morning, this friend is up and at ā€˜em. Sheā€™s a gym junkie, health freak, and somehow never loses steam and secretly, sheā€™s your idol. This friend not only motivates you to get active and head to the gym but can always be turned to when you decided you probably shouldnā€™t eat Ramen for the third night in a row (even though its delicious). Even though this friend is most likely not even human, whenever youā€™re feeling a little lack of motivation she is always just a phone call away.


4) The Wild Friend: Letā€™s be honest, we all have one if not two or three. This friend puts the term ā€œrebelliousā€ to shame. Sheā€™s spontaneous, adventurous, and unpredictable to say the least, but above all sheā€™s your partner in crime. But thatā€™s why we love her. Whenever you are seeking a fun time, sheā€™s your go to. On a Friday night you can count on this girl to frolic around campus with you and thereā€™s no question that any time you spend with her will be nothing short of hilarious. This friend reminds you that even at the end of a busy or stressful day it never hurts to have a good time.Ā 


5) The Insightful Friend: This girl is your rock. College can be overwhelming and between your course load, part-time job, sports team, Greek life, friends, family, or whatever it may be, finding a balance amongst all of the stress can sometimes seem nearly impossible. She is your silver lining. This friend emulates a breath of fresh air. Simply being around her lowers your blood pressure exponentially, and the second she opens her mouth the advice she sends forth instantly soothes your mind. This friend is optimistic yet real with you, and if it were not for her you may have completely lost your cool a time or two.Ā 


6) The Free Spirited Friend: We all envy her. Itā€™s Sunday night, she has that huge Anatomy exam bright and early that you have been stressing about for a week now, but she isnā€™t sweating a beat. This same girl is the one who loses her wallet and thinks, ā€œDamn, I had a Bed, Bath, & Beyond gift card in thereā€ when youā€™d be thinking ā€œWhat will I possibly do without a license?ā€ Her constant state of care free living is so admirable. We all need that person in our lives who reminds us that worrying about things you cannot change is useless. This friend is a consistent reminder that allowing yourself to get hung up on the little things in life is such a waste of time.


7) The Neat-Freak Friend: Everything about this girl is clean to pristine from her apartment, to her clothes, all the way down to her planner. The chaos of college from constantly having a million things to do definitely forces us to prioritize certain things above others, and yours might not always be to color code your closet. However, when you find yourself in over your head, giving your life a giant cleanse often alleviates at least a portion of this stress, and this friend is just the person to help you do it. Whether she literally helps you de-clutter your desk or simply being at her apartment inspires you to do so, this friend has her crap (or lack there of) together.Ā 


8) The Roommate: And last but certainly not least, we all can relate to this one. This girl or group of girls most likely knows you better than anyone else. What you make for dinner, how you look bright and early in the morning (unfortunately) and even how frequent or seldom you do laundry- she knows it all. From the quirkiest of traits about you like how you sleep with five Disney stuffed animals to how close you are with your family, she picks up on things most people will never notice. It isnā€™t the random dance parties at 9 pm on a Tuesday that create the inseparable bond between the two of you or her washing the dishes again even though it was your turn, itā€™s the fact that you were lucky enough to find all of these qualities of lifelong friends, in one.Ā 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!