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50 Thoughts You Have While Procrastinating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

     Does your mind ever wander while you’re sitting down at your desk in your apartment or in Dimond Library trying to study? The task of getting your homework done is harder mentally than it is physically. With so many distractions, it’s hard to actually buckle down and block out the chaos. This article is about those thoughts you have when you let social media, food cravings and other people around get the better of you. Here are 50 random thoughts you may get while procrastinating your schoolwork:

  1. Is this really the assignment?
  2. Wait. What do I have to do?
  1. Ugh I have to use 4 of the readings.
  2. I wonder if the teacher can tell if I didn’t read them.
  3. If I fail this paper, can I still get an A in this class?
  4. That’s a stupid question. I do need that A though.
  5. How am I supposed to have a career without getting A’s?
  6. When I’m rich and successful, I’ll never need to know this.
  1. Maybe I can just marry rich.
  2. Being a trophy wife seems pretty boring, though.
  1. I can’t even cook so that’s not an option.
  2. I can barely feed myself, how would I support a husband?
  3. I’m really hungry.
  4. Or am I just bored?
  1. Yup, I’m hungry.
  2. I want to eat my entire refrigerator.
  3. Those leftovers look good.
  4. Now I want some ice cream.
  5. And a drink.
  1. Or 10.
  2. I wonder if all my friends are going to the bar tonight.
  3. If they are, I will not be the only one sitting at home.
  4. Ughhhh, but this paper.
  5. Maybe it will write itself.
  6. Too bad I wasn’t famous. I could have someone do it for me.
  7. If I were famous, I would not be in school.
  8. That would be so weird not being in school.
  9. I’m hungry again.
  10. I forgot to instagram a #tbt.
  1. Wow, does everyone instagram a #tbt?
  2. Nope, can’t do it then.
  3. How is it already 11:35p.m?!?!
  4. I didn’t go to the gym today.
  5. Maybe I should go for a little right now.
  6. But it’s really dark out, what if I get kidnapped on the way there?
  7. Not worth the risk.
  8. My bed is too comfy.
  1. Since when is Sex and the City on TV this late at night?
  2. Watching re-runs will be more relaxing than writing that paper.
  3. I’ll just take a little break.
  1. I would rather run to California than do any more homework tonight.
  2. A vacation would be nice.
  3. The warm weather would motivate me.
  4. Maybe if it were sunny I could finish this paper.
  5. Problem solved. I’ll finish it in the morning.
  6. But tomorrow is my morning to sleep in.
  7. I’m a night owl, anyway.
  8. Okay, okay, I’ll get it done.
  9. This will be the best thing I’ve ever written.
  1. Debatable.

    Here’s to all those distractions surrounding us. May they be ever in our favor.

Senior Communication major; Media Practices Application
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!