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5 Tips to Manage Your Time Better in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.
  1. Utilize a Calendar: Using an Apple or Google calendar can significantly benefit you. Mapping out your day fosters awareness of your time, enabling better planning. Online calendars offer flexibility when unexpected events occur.
  2. Limit Distractions: Identifying distractions is crucial for effective time management. Recognize what leads to time wastage and procrastination. Social media or certain phone apps might be your culprits. Consider setting specific hours to avoid these distractions. Additionally, changing your environment — like working in a library or academic building — can boost productivity.
  3. Break Your Day into Blocks: Using time blocks can enhance productivity. Consider methods like the Pomodoro Technique, where you focus for 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between. Changing work locations, such as doing assignments in different spots on campus, can also help maintain focus.
  4. Prioritize Tasks: Learning to prioritize is key to maximizing time. Assess the urgency, due dates, time required and importance of each task. Understand the impact completing tasks will have. It’s not just about completion; it’s about completing the right tasks.
  5.  Learn to Say No: College life can be overwhelming, and it’s okay to say no sometimes. Maintaining boundaries between academic commitments and personal life is essential. Overworking leads to burnout, so prioritize self-care to maintain mental and physical health.
Margaret is currently a senior at The University of New Hampshire. She is pursuing a major in Business Administration with a concentration in Management and a dual major in Sustainability. She is currently a Business Operations Intern in CaPS. Margaret is currently from New Jersey, but has loved living in New Hampshire for the past three years. In her free time, Margaret loves to cook and try new recipes. She also loves to spend quality time with friends and family. She also loves to travel and recently studied abroad in Italy.