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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

With finals approaching, it’s normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Here are a few things I do during finals week to make things more manageable Hope these tips help!

1. Study for an hour and then take a 20 minute break

Breaking up studying can be extremely helpful to let the brain process all the information you are learning. I like to study for an hour and then take a 20-minute break and do something I enjoy. Sometimes I go on my phone and browse social media but other times I call my family and talk to them. Taking a break from studying helps finals feel less overwhelming. Set a timer so you remember to take a break!

2. Get Outside

When you’re in the library or your favorite indoor study spot you might forget that outside exists lol. I like to go outside and take a quick walk while jamming to my favorite songs for a study break. Also, studying outside when it’s nice out is always fun and is a nice change of scenery! Getting fresh air is so important during finals week.

3. Group STudy

I can not emphasize enough to find someone in your class and study with them for the final. They are learning the same material with the same professor and that can be really helpful when reviewing. They can also help you fill in the gaps in your knowledge and you can quiz one another. In one of my psychology classes, I study with a friend in the class before each exam and I can not emphasize how much it has helped me.

4. Switch UP Location

I have a few spots on campus where I like going to do work all the time such as the library and Kingsbury Hall. However, I really wanna switch it up this finals season and try somewhere new. My advice is go to an academic building you never really go in, it might find a new study spot!

5. Make a schedule

Making a schedule is super helpful when keeping track of finals studying. I use a file folder that has a section for each day of the week. Under each day of the week, I put sticky notes that have assignments on them that need to be done that day. Shoutout to CFAR at UNH who taught me this trick! Overall, making a schedule is really helpful because it breaks up studying time and helps you not leave studying till the last minute.

If there is something you take away from this article let it be you are more than a grade. This has taken me a while to understand but it is so important to recognize. Be sure to focus on taking care of yourself physically and mentally during finals week. I have learned through these past two years that it is important to take care of yourself during stressful moments. 


Hi I'm Julia Ignazio and I live in Massachusetts! I'm currently a freshman at UNH studying psychology.