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5 Things to do with your Best Friends Before Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

As graduation quickly approaches, there are so many things that I want to do again or for the first time! But these are the top 5 things I want to do with my best friends before May 18th!


1. Take cute graduation pictures across campus!

Get up early on a weekend, throw on your cap and gown, grab a little champagne, and get some pictures and memories that will last a lifetime!


2. Revisit your freshman year dorm!

I’m sure for a lot of you that’s where you met – so don’t forget to go back to the place where it all started and say goodbye!


3. Have one last slumbie!

Throw it back like you are freshman again in little twin beds, get snuggled in for a little pre-graduation slumbie and get sappy (maybe with the help of some wine) about all the fun you’ve had together the last four years.


4. Finish out your college bucket lists!

Whether it’s going to all three bars in one night, watching the sunrise on T-Hall lawn, or just getting in a few more girls nights in Portsmouth, be sure to get everything done in the next 6 weeks!


5. Enjoy every second with them!

This isn’t goodbye, but things are going do be different after graduation.  Be sure to spend every second you can with your best friends and thank them for being the greatest people in your life, the ones who are there to help you when you’re down and sure as hell smack you when you’re being stupid, but love you more than anyone in the world!


Venmo: @valerieehrich