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5 (Achievable) New Years Resolutions for 2013 For College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.
Christmas Break is right around the corner, and what better time to start thinking about your New Years resolutions for 2013?  For most people, like myself, resolutions are goals aimed to better yourself as a person that last about 1 or 2 weeks after New Years Day. Sad but true, resolutions are more often than not forgotten about, or pushed to the wayside when they become too difficult to maintain. In order to avoid another failed year of resolution-keeping, I decided to make a list of resolutions that are more realistic, achievable, and may actually last an entire calendar year like they are intended to.


1. Get Organized

How many Septembers have you made the trip to Target, spent an hour picking out the perfect planner, promised yourself you’d actually keep track of all your assignments and meetings, and never actually wrote a single thing down? This semester- do it! Staying organized and on top of your schoolwork will not only cut down on a ton of stress, but will get you better grades too!


2. Stay On Top of Your Reading

Personally, I begin each semester full of ambition and motivation to stay on track with reading so that I’m not screwed for final exams and papers. Unfortunately, somewhere around mid-October I always find myself falling behind or skipping chapters that I know the professor will go over in class. However you can’t argue the benefits of getting ahead on work, and by staying on top of your reading, you won’t have to stay up until 2am cramming the night before a final. That must be nice.


3. Get an Internship

With all the schoolwork you’re assigned on a weekly basis, it’s hard to find time to think about the really important stuff that will benefit you in the long run. However, real world work experience is one of the best things you can do to ensure your success after graduation. Stop procrastinating! Make an appointment at UNH Career Services to get going on a resume, and ask for tips for finding the perfect internship. The process is easier than you think, and you’ll thank yourself later!


4. Fit in Fitness

How many times have you heard someone say, “I want to work out more this year”. This is probably the most failed resolution; why else would the gym be so packed in January and magically empty out by Valentines Day? With everything else going on in our lives, staying motivated to work out is tough for a lot of people. One of the best ways to actually achieve your resolution is to enlist a friend, or better yet, two or three! You can keep each other on track, and picking friends who have similar ambitions will keep you motivated. Making the gym a social activity will make it more enjoyable, and will double as a way to spend more time with your friends.



5. Spend less time on your phone

Every college-aged kid is guilty of this. How many times have you found yourself having a one sided conversation with a friend who’s texting someone else or reading their twitter feed? Or how many times have you done that to someone else? I know your parents probably yell you to get off your phone at the dinner table, but spending time with your friends should warrant the same attention. If only for a day, take a break from twitter, Facebook, and instagram completely. Talk to people face-to-face or call them on the phone. I promise, it will be a refreshing change of pace!