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The 28 Stages of Recovery After A Successful Halloweekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


  1. When you first wake up after Halloweekend, you feel like you’re going to die.

  2. You realize there is no water next to your bed…

  3. So you actually have to stand up and go get some.

  4. Or you could just lay there in pain…forever.

  5. Yup, definitely not getting up.

  6. You and your roommate start going through pictures.

  7. Some are good…

  8. Some are not so good.

  9. And you’re starting to remember what happened this weekend.

  10. All you feel is regret.

  11. Regret…and More regret.

  12. You realize you still have glitter in your hair from your Ke$ha costume,

  13. But once again, taking a shower involves getting up, so you’ll lay in bed for a while longer

  14. Until finally, the hunger sets in

  15. You go and get the greasiest, most amazing breakfast ever.

  16. While still wearing parts of your costume you were too lazy to take off.

  17. Then, in a shocking turn of events, you go back to bed

  18. And stay there…forever.

  19. Yup, still in bed.

  20. You contemplate life and wonder whether you will ever be able to get up again.

  21. You nap for 6 hours.

  22. Once you’ve slept it off and start to feel better, you begin to laugh and reminisce about the weekend with your friends

  23. You remember you got the number of a boy last night…

  24. He texts you, but you don’t answer because you remember that he was dressed up as “Bud Light-year”, and you’re better than that.

  25. So you eat six King Sized Reese’s Cups from your Halloween candy stash in your desk drawer instead.

  26. No f*cks given.

  27. And, even though it was hard to recover all day, you’re realizing it was worth it, because this weekend kicked ass.

  28. So you eat another Reese’s and start to plan for next year!

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!