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12 Ways to Get Outside and Get S**t Done.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

12 Ways to Get Outside and Get S**t Done.


1)  Homework: campus has lots of tables outside—BNG, The Works, behind Kendall. Some fresh air might help the homework flow.

2)  Classes: So we must definitely stay inside for class. But to and from—that’s up to you! Walk to class instead of taking the bus. Or get off at an earlier stop.


3)  Lunch break: turn it into a picnic! Bring a blanket, your best friends, and favorite foods. Maybe T-hall lawn?

4) Work-out: running outside is always an option. And in college woods, you might find some wooden planks—perfect for strength exercises.

5)  Walk the dog: or your friend’s dog, or your neighbor’s dog. The sun and puppies—what better therapy?

6)  Yoga: why yoga at the gym when you could yoga in the sun? At the beach? In the woods? Bring your mat and you could yoga just about anywhere.

7) Nap: you could midday nap in your bed like always.. or take it outside! With the hundred others napping on T-hall lawn. You might even get tan. 

8) See your boyfriend: DairyBar icecream in hand, walk around campus, downtown, maybe even through the Historic Park by Irving– it’s beautiful!

9) See your girlfriends: next girls’ night actvity– camping. It might sound crazy, but you can put a tent up almost anywhere. At an actual campsite, your yard, the Lodge’s field (maybe not..). Also, rent some scary movies!

10) Going out: don’t forget about Scorp’s patio! Or if you’re down to escape from the Durham bar scene for the weekend, try dinner and drinks outside in Portsmouth– invite all your friends!

11)  Movie night: if it’s date night, hit up the drive-in. Yes, they still exist. Barely.


12)  Pizza night: ever had pizza on the beach? Tastes 10x better.


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!