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11 Things We Forgot To Thank Our Parents For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Things we forgot to thank our parents for 

  1. For letting me eat the pancake batter from the bowl on Sunday mornings even though you were always afraid I would get salmonella. I never did get salmonella but thank you for worrying about me.

  1. For driving my friends and I to the mall 4 times in one day because we kept forgetting to buy something REALLY, REALLY important. I’m sorry I never ended up wearing those sparkly boots in fifth grade.  

  1. For making my favorite, home-cooked meal when I was having a bad day.  

  1. For signing me to play every possible sport when I was in kindergarten and then for some reason continuing to play them up until 6th grade. I now have many life-long friends because of that.  

  1. For letting me stay home from school when I was sick and also for making me do all my schoolwork that my friend would drop off at home for me at the end of the day. I needed that push.  

  1. For making me wear more than a sweatshirt when I went out in the snow. You probably saved me from hypothermia more than once.  

  1. For letting me DJ in the car. I know those early 2000 Brittney Spears CD’s were not what you wanted to be listening to.  

  1. For not letting me DJ in the car. Thank you for introducing me to the timeless music that you and everyone loves.   

  1. For paying for my college. Trust me, this does not go unappreciated and one day I hope I can pay return the favor in some way.  

  1. For being my biggest fan in whatever I decided to do. Those years of me taking horseback riding lessons could not have been easy on the bank but I had the time of my life doing it.  

  1. For loving me through everything.  

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!