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10 Reasons We Love Boston

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Boston is without a doubt, one of the greatest cities in the country. Full of great history, great food, and great people, you’re guaranteed to have an awesome time. If you’ve never taken the time to explore Beantown, here are a few of the reasons why you really, really should:


1.     Regina’s Pizzeria- Regina’s Pizzeria is easily, one of the best places to eat in Boston. With a variety of mouthwatering choices and an awesome atmosphere, they really make you feel at home. A must-go for anyone in Boston, Regina’s puts the heart of the town their restaurant and on your plate.

2.     The teams – Let’s face it. Boston teams are just better. Win or lose, you can bet that the Bruins, Celtics, and Red Sox will always put on an unforgettable show. Glass shattering checks, walk-off home runs and buzzer beaters always keep the fans coming back. It almost justifies $8 beers. Almost.

3.     The accents – A sucker for accents, I had to put this one on the list. Even if you’ve never been, you can instantly recognize the sharp, 25-letter alphabet tone of a Bostonian. If you ever get the chance, strike up a conversation with a native and I promise you, whatever they talk about will sound a million times cooler.

4.     Celebs from Boston – It’s hard not to love Boston when people like Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, and Chris Evans call the city their home. If there was ever a reason to drop everything and take an immediate trip there, those three should be enough.

5.     Newbury Street – One of the best places to shop, Newbury Street has stolen our hearts and cleaned out our wallets time and time again. With restaurants and stores packed together like a fashionable little can of sardines, it’s a great way to spend an afternoon, in between stalking Mark Wahlberg, of course.

6.     The Freedom Trail – A beautiful 2.5-mile walk made up of 16 historical sites, the Freedom Trail in Boston is an absolute must-go for tourists. Boston is nothing if not full of history, and taking a little time to remember how it became so kickass in the first place is well worth your time.

7.     Boston Chowderfest – Boston. Chowderfest. An entire day devoted to the best clam chowder around. What better way to spend a day? The competition is part of Boston Harborfest, which is made up of different events, ending on the Fourth of July with beautiful fireworks. And you just don’t get better than chowder and fireworks.

8.     Boston Marathon – Despite the recent tragedy, participating or just enjoying the marathon is something everyone should do. A day spent outside cheering on and/or wondering why anyone in their right mind wants to run 26.2 miles just seems right. There is no doubt that the 2014 Boston Marathon will be bigger and better than ever, and to be a part of that (even if it’s standing on the sidelines), will be something to see.

9.     The Citgo sign – An icon of Boston imagery, the Citgo sign at Fenway Park lets you know you’re in the heart of the city. It looks even better at sunset, and even better than that if you’re sitting inside Fenway with a cold beer. Even if you’ve never been to Boston, the Citgo sign rings true for everyone.

10. The people – Bostonians are awesome. I mean, really. It’s one of the greatest cities in the world and only made that way by the people who live there. Without a doubt, the food, shops and scenery keeps us coming back. More than that though, it’s the national anthem sung by 17,500 people, the men and women who compromised their safety by helping injured marathoners, and the continuous optimism shared by each and every one of them.


We are Boston strong. 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!