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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNF chapter.

Noelle is a great example of how to look proper for a class presentation outside of J. Brooks Brown Hall. Dressed to impress in an all-black ensemble with beautiful blue wedges, and soft gold embellishments, she definitely makes the grade.

My name is Techeira Francis and I am a Junior at the University of North Florida. I am a Criminal Justice major with a minor in Psychology. I am planning on having a career with the federal government working for Homeland Security. My interests include mystery murder books, caramel macchiatos, all criminal case shows (and I mean ALL), telling myself to go to the gym, and tea.
I am a Junior at University of North Florida with a major in Criminal Justice and a minor in Psychology. I'm originally from St. Thomas, USVI but I have lived in Jacksonville, Florida for 8 years. My future career goal to work for Homeland Security or ATF.