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Campus Cutie: Kiana Kendrick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNF chapter.

It’s another cutie double! And we’re pretty sure meeting this cutie part deux will want you to make her your new BFF. Kiana is super kind and pretty hilarious, and basically just a great person to be around. Every encounter has left us in stitches, so we’re here to share the wealth. 

Name: Kiana Kendrick

Age: 20

Major: Health Science (Community Health)

Year: Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single


HC: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

I would love to be famous for something like being on Broadway or being an actress. However, I do not like the lack of privacy that comes with fame. I also don’t like how you a “normal life” is out of the picture. So maybe I wouldn’t actually like to become famous. I like the idea of it though!


HC: If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? Why/why not?

To be honest, I wouldn’t like to know anything! I think one of the best parts about life is not knowing what the future holds, but having faith that everything will work out for my good and trusting God.


HC: What is your most treasured memory?

My most treasured memory is when I went to the Junior Olympics for track and field. I worked so hard for that and I love to think back on it every now and then.


HC: Your perfect date?

My perfect date would consist of a day at the gun range then a picnic. The key to my heart is banana bread so there better be some at this picnic. Then I’d like to watch the sunset, and conclude with longboarding on the beach.


HC: What is your guilty pleasure?

Chance the Rapper. He’s everything.


HC: If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be?

Trinidad and Tobago! It’s on my bucket list to go during Carnival.


HC: What’s the last book you read that you simply could not put down until you finished?

Looking for Alaska by John Greene. The dude is a great writer.


HC: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

One time in high school I was walking to my table during lunch and I slipped and fell in front of EVERYBODY! I laughed it off while everyone stared at me, but I was hurt on the inside. I went home after that. I still had three periods left, but my ego (and backside) was too bruised to complete the day.


HC: If your life was a movie, which actor would play you?

Beyonce would probably be too busy, so I’d go with Keke Palmer. I really love her.


HC: If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?

Any guy that I’ve ever had a crush on. That’d be nice.


HC: What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

My very first job: Papa Johns. I loved the people that I worked with, but no matter how long I showered, I always smelled like green peppers, and onions, and cheese. It was awful!


HC: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on? And the best?

I haven’t really been on dates because most guys don’t believe in that anymore. I haven’t had a bad “date” but I can say my favorite was walking on the beach at night and just talking. That is one of my top three favorite things to do.


HC: What is the one most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

After the first time I met Cody Simpson, I fell to the floor and cried. I was 18 years old. No regrets though.


HC: Who do you look up to the most in life?

I look up to my parents the most. I’ve seen them go through so much and make it through. They inspire me so much. I couldn’t be happier that I am a product of them.


HC: Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy?

I’d definitely say twice as happy. I’ve seen a lot of extremely smart people in my life who were miserable. I don’t want that for myself.

My name is Techeira Francis and I am a Junior at the University of North Florida. I am a Criminal Justice major with a minor in Psychology. I am planning on having a career with the federal government working for Homeland Security. My interests include mystery murder books, caramel macchiatos, all criminal case shows (and I mean ALL), telling myself to go to the gym, and tea.
My name is Maya Dartiguenave, and I am a senior at the University of North Florida. I'm a communications major, with a focus in public relations. Reading, writing, anything to do with words is what holds my true interest, which is why I'm so happy to be a part of Her Campus! I'm so excited to have started UNF's chapter of Her Campus!While I claim to be a Florida girl for now, my heart belongs to Philadelphia, always. (Go, Eagles!) I hope to move away from Florida after graduation, work my way through grad school, and begin my career in publishing. The future is definitely going to be an adventure, and I can't wait for it!