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Why You Shouldn’t Wash Your Hair Everyday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

1. Your hair becomes less oily.

Your hair has natural oils that keep your hair healthy and shinny without looking greasy. These oils are called sebum. Sebum glands are located at your hair roots and produces oils that keep your hair from drying out. When you wash your hair everyday you mess up the natural process of sebum glands, resulting in drying your hair out and producing more oil.



2. Take a break from harsh chemicals.

Shampoo, conditioner, styling product, serums, the list goes on; most of your products contain harsh chemicals that over time can cause serious problems. Many chemicals and preservatives found in hair and beauty products can be linked to various cancers and fertility and birth defects. A few of the top chemicals to avoid are Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA) Triethanolamine (TEA) Parabens, Triclosan, Talc, Fragrance, and Propylene Glycol. Go look at some of the ingrediants and see how many of these you can find. For more information on chemicals in everyday products click here.



3. You save more water than you think.

In our society it’s so easy to take little things in our lives for granted, especially like how much water we waste showering. It’s also easy to think you alone can’t make much of a difference, but you really do! Five-minute showers use 15-25 gallons of water; ten-minute showers take around 40 gallons. I have long hair; it takes me longer than that to shower! Conserving water is the most environmental and cost-effective way to reduce our demand for water. Learn more about water conversvation here.



4. Dirty hair is easier to style.

I personally can go two to three, sometimes four (but rarely), times without washing my hair. I find it way easier to style my hair when it is not freshly washed and holds my curls better and longer. Second day hair is best for styling because the natural oils in your hair make it easier to shape and sculpt.



5. You save money.

Shampoos and conditioners add up after awhile! Hair products can get pretty pricey so skipping the daily rinse can work in your favor. Electricity is also a major money saving factor. Lowering your utility bills is a priority to us college students; therefore, if you stop blow-drying or straightening your hair everyday you can watch your monthly bills drop.    


A junior at UNC Wilmington double majoring in English-Professional Writing and Communication Studies, Casey aspires to work in the field of journalism post-grad. Not only is she Co-Campus Correspondent, but she is also the Editor in Chief of her school's paper, is a writing tutor and has an obsession with early twentieth century American literature.