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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

You thought they would never pass, but here we are finally done with the dreaded final exams. Here are a few things to do to start off your winter break.


1. Cry tears of joy.

You did it. You made it pass the late night cram sessions, the constant junk food and the never-ending panic attacks. It’s okay to cry a few tears of joy.


2. Get rid of all your notes.

Might as well make some more room in your desk…and get rid of all the bad memories of getting up to go to class every morning.



You deserve to splurge a little on some ice cream…maybe even a whole cake. TREAT YO SELF, FINALS ARE OVER!!


4. Go home to your comfy, comfy bed.

Dive into your bed and finally catch up on that much-needed sleep, no matter how long it may take.


5. Binge watch Netflix.

You can never watch too much Netflix. You have a whole month to finish a whole series from start to finish!


6. Countdown until Christmas.

The best part about the semester being over is that you can finally enjoy the holiday season. Merry Christmas!

Sophomore at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Business and Marketing Major with a Psychology Minor