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Rookie Mistakes I Made on FDOC Junior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

August 17th was my THIRD first day of classes. I’m a junior this year, and I still managed to screw up several times in totally ridiculous ways while I was on campus that day, and twice before I even left my apartment. 


I didn’t go to bed early enough on Tuesday night before my classes on Wednesday. Fatal error numero uno, before I even got to campus.

I forgot my headphones. 

I brought the textbooks I had to class. You never need your books on the first day.

I totally forgot how horrifically hot it is on UNCW’s campus at 3:00 in the afternoon in August. Nearly died.

I had to walk across the end of Chancellor’s to get to Leutze Hall for my Spanish class. I swear I checked both ways before I crossed, but I also failed to remember that bike riders and skateboarders come out of NOWHERE. I also managed to get behind someone who was walking slow, which raised my chances of getting run over by like…ten thousand. Again, I nearly died. 

I live off campus, so I ride a Wave Shuttle home. My friend and I met up to ride home together and got on the wrong one. In our defense, it was labelled “RED” which is the shuttle we ride. Apparently, it is common knowledge (except obviously not?) that there are two red shuttles, and only one of them is the actual red shuttle. Oh. Duh. The ride we took in the wrong direction was also incredibly bumpy and terrifying. 


Olivia is a senior at UNCW, majoring in Creative Writing. She enjoys color coding all things possible and hanging string lights year-round.