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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Ragan Whitesell

Year: Sophomore 

Major:  Recreational Therapy with an ABA minor

Relationship Status: Taken by Dust :)


Ragan is a fun-loving, outgoing chick who loves to have a good time. She is a sister of Sigma Alpha Omega, the Christian sorority on campus. If you want to get to know this awesome girl keep reading!   


HC: What’s your ideal date?

RW: My ideal date is cooking dinner with my boyfriend. 


HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

RW: I hope to be a child specialist in a hospital somewhere. I hope to be married to my high school sweetheart, Dustin. I also want to be able to travel wherever I want to go. 


HC: If you could go on a date with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

RW: I would go on a date with my bae, Dustin, and we would have a romantic picnic in the Swiss Alps. 


HC: What is your dream job?

RW: I would love to work with children and adults with developmental disabilities. 


HC: What is your favorite thing about college?

RW: I’ve really enjoyed being away from home. Although I miss my family, I like being in a bigger city with more people. 


HC: What is one piece of advice you would give to a freshman?

RW: I would have to tell them to find a major they love and find even better friends that no matter where they go in the world they will always have your back. 


Junior at UNCW- Communication Studies and International Studies Major- Lover of Fashion, Jesus, and Nature