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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Natalie Rauch

Age: 17

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Major: Political Science

Relationship status: Single


Meet Natalie Rauch, a freshman and political science major who loves hiking around the world. She’s super low-key and has a heart of gold. Read on to learn more about this awesome lady!


HC: What are you involved in on campus?

NR: I am a part of the College Democrats, UNCW Votes–including voter registration–and the Wilderness Club. I’m really interested in politics and current events, so I joined those clubs because they are a good way to get involved with those things on campus and create experiences within my major.


HC: What do you enjoy doing in your freetime?

NR: I like to hang out with my friends, go hiking… I’ve hiked at Crowders Mountain, I really enjoy hiking in Oregon, and I’ve also hiked part of Mount Hood. I also like reading young adult novels and biographies.



HC: What’s your favorite show on Netflix and why?

NR: I really like The Office because it’s so funny. I’ve seen every episode. It’s a good show because I can always go back to it. It never gets old.


HC: What has been your favorite part of UNCW so far? Least favorite?

NR: I’ve met some really cool people, and I really like my classes and all of my professors. So far, it’s not harder than high school was, but all of my teachers are really passionate. It’s more about learning and understanding rather than getting good grades and doing busy work.


HC: What are three things you want to accomplish in your lifetime?

NR: One, I’d like to live abroad at some point. I grew up abroad and really liked that, so I’d like to go back and experience more and learn about the world. Two, I want to be a part of something that makes a change, which is why I like political sciences. I want to create something positive that’s bigger than myself. Three, I want to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.


HC: What’s something interesting about yourself not many people know about?

NR: I’m a dual citizen in the United States and England.



HC: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

NR: The best advice I’ve gotten is to not apologize for your feelings. You’re entitled to feel anyway you want and no one can tell you that you should or shouldn’t feel a certain way. Your feelings are very personal and you’re entitled to feel them.


Photos courtesy of Natalie Rauch.

Lindsay is a senior at UNCW studying Criminology and Sociology. When she's not contemplating the deeply rooted inequalities of the criminal justice system, she is either working out at the Rec Center or sitting in Starbucks with a coffee or tea in hand.