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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Fall is a time for change–the leaves do it, the weather does it, your wardrobe does it, so why not your skincare routine? Our beauty rituals are often overlooked in the excitement of pumpkin carving and cuddling up in fuzzy socks, so here’s a list from Her Campus that is sure to have your routine totally fall-ready. 


1. Opt for a thicker moisturizer.

In the summer, a thick moisturizer often isn’t necessary: the heat and humidty keep most people more oily than in the fall and winter. If that sounds like you, it’s time to switch it up! The cool fall air can result in dry patches, so treat your skin with a thicker lotion. 


2. Scrub it up.

As the trees lose their leaves, follow their example and get rid of some old stuff: dead skin. Try a pair of exfoliating gloves, or a DIY scrub of half coconut oil, half brown sugar. Pay extra attention to your hands, feet, elbows, and knees. They’re the areas on your body most prone to gross, dry skin. Make sure your face gets some love, too, but be gentle! 


3. Don’t forget your pedicures.

I know, I know. You’re wearing socks and shoes all the time in fall and winter because it’s finally cold . . . but that doesn’t mean we can let our toes go to h*ll, does it? Trim your nails often, and try sleeping with a thick layer of lotion and a pair of socks on a few nights per week–your toesies will thank you come spring and flip flop weather. 


4. God, save the cuticles.

Having a picked cuticle or a hangnail is literally the worst feeling in the world. You can invest in an actual cuticle oil, or you can do it the college-budget way and just massage some coconut or olive oil into your fingers before bed. Keeping your nailbeds moisturized will prevent your cuticles from drying and doing that horrible peeling thing. 


5. Make the foundation switch.

Your skin is going to change color with the seasons, even if it’s just a shade or two. When the cool weather starts keeping you inside more, the foundation you smoothed on during summer will no longer be a match. Unless you’re making some sort of political statement, let’s keep the orange faces to a minimum, okay? 


Sources: thumbnail, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Olivia is a senior at UNCW, majoring in Creative Writing. She enjoys color coding all things possible and hanging string lights year-round.