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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Her Campus UNCW has started its very own YouTube channel!!

On this YouTube channel, we will be discussing hot button topics, pop culture, style, happening on campus, and much, much more.

Brittany Taylor and Stephanie Spencer, both UNCW freshmen, will be hosting the channel.


Please check it out and support the YouTube by subscribing. It is completely free, and it will alert you anytime that a video has been posted. The upload schedule for the channel will (hopefully) be every Monday and Wednesday.

But in the mean time, click on this link and check out their first video:

Hello! My name is Stephanie Spencer and I am a sophomore at University of North Carolina Wilmington. I am interested in PR, and one day I want to move to Chicago and work for a company that will allow me to travel the world. I love to read and write and I have too many dreams and aspirations.