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Hailey Picking, Campus Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Hometown: Hampton, Connecticut

Year: Sophomore

Major: Education

Relationship Status: Single


Hailey is a caring, sweet and energetic girl who likes to take classes at the gym and hang out with her friends in her free time. She works at the campus recreation center in the Marketing department assisting with promotional pieces. She transferred to UNCW at the beginning of the fall semester and joined the Greek organization Alpha Xi Delta where she has made many new friendships. Read on to hear more about Hailey!


HC: If you could go on a date with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?

HP: If I could date anyone I would date a young Mark Wahlberg because Marky Mark was the first person to actually rock Calvin Klein’s.


HC: What is your dream job?

HP: My dream job would be to be a professional stylist/shopper for celebrities.


HC: What is your favorite thing about UNCW?

HP: My favorite thing about UNCW is that it’s near the beach, and who doesn’t love the beach?


HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

HP: In 10 years I see myself doing what I love, having 3 dogs, and a family.


HC: What is your definition of an ideal date?

HP: My definition of an ideal date would be hanging out at the beach and then going to dinner afterward.


HC: What is one of the most embarrassing things that have happened to you in your time at UNCW?

HP: One of the most embarrassing things to happen to me was when I tripped on the stair master and almost fell off.

Sophomore at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Business and Marketing Major with a Psychology Minor