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Formerly a Seahawk, Currently the Mayor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Bill Saffo

Year: Almuni

Hometown: Wilmington, N.C.

Major: Political Science  

Wilmington native and city hero Mayor Saffo gave us a little bit of his time to share what life was like for him after the dub. See his answers here!


HC: You grew up in Wilmington, correct? So, what made you want to stay and go to UNCW? 

Yes. I loved the school, loved the beach and loved Wilmington.


HC: Did you go into college knowing what you wanted to do, or did you switch majors a few times? 

I knew my major was going to be political science.


HC: What did you minor in?



HC: What organizations or activities were you involved in on-campus?

I didn’t have much time, as I was working and a fulltime student.


HC: Who was your favorite professor? 

Dr. Earl Sheridan


HC: Best thing that happened to you in your college career? 

I received the best advice – Never formulate an opinion until you have obtained all the facts.  It has helped me in so many ways throughout my personal and business and political career.


HC: What year did you graduate from UNCW? 



HC: Did you take a few years off once you graduated, or did you start working right away? 

Always worked.


HC: How exactly did you come to the conclusion that you wanted to run for mayor? 

I decided to run for Mayor to try to make change that I felt was needed in my city.


HC: We bet your daily activities are quite stressful; do you have any advice for stress management for a busy college student? 

Don’t take yourself too seriously.


HC: What do you do on your downtime?

Enjoy time with friends and family.


HC: What/who gives you inspiration? 

To be part of the process of change and witnessing it happen in the community has been very rewarding.


Tabitha Britt

New School '18

Tabitha Britt (formerly Tabitha Shiflett) was the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Correspondent of Her Campus at The New School between August 2016 - January 2018. Tabitha graduated from The New School of Social Research on January 31, 2018. She's also a graduate of the Dub (The University of North Carolina Wilmington, UNCW) where she held the position of Managing Editor for the UNCW HC team. You can find her byline in a variety of publications including CBS Local, Taste of Home, Luna Luna, Thought Catalog, and Elite Daily. See more at www.tabithashiflett.com.