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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

It’s all fun and games until you start to get hungry…


Stage 1: The Realization

It’s almost lunch time and your stomach makes as much noise as the people who live in the apartment above you. For those of you who don’t have the pleasure of having an upstairs neighbor, it’s pretty loud.


Stage 2: “Don’t talk to me!”

Suddenly everyone around you is doing anything and everything they can to be annoying. Obviously they know you’re hungry so they must be doing it on purpose, right? Some symptoms include exaggerated eye rolls, glares, and sarcastic responses.


Stage 3: The Wait

The food is so close, but so far away. It seems like everyone behind you in line receives their food before you do, and it’s so hard to keep it together.


Stage 4: FOOD

Not only is the food satisfying for your stomach, but also pleasing to the eye. Just looking at it makes drool dip down your chin, and you struggle not to inhale your entire meal at once. You take the first bite. Everything is wonderful, and the world is good again.


Stage 5: Apologies

I am sorry for everything I said when I was hungry.  


[All gifs courtesy of giphy.com]

Most likely at Target and/or drinking sweet tea. Senior from Apex, North Carolina. Co-Campus Correspondent for the UNCW chapter, Contact me with any comments or questions!