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Fast Tips to Clean Your Room for Springtime

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Spring is nearly among us, and you know what that means — spring cleaning! Yes, cleaning can be a long process, but it doesn’t have to be that bad! Cleaning can actually be made fun and fast if done properly. Here are a few tips on a speedy process to clean your room for the springtime:

1.Get in the Mood

Cleaning can take hours on end, if necessary, so getting in the right head-space to feel motivated is key. Try turning on your favorite music or even movie so the time goes by quickly while you clean. There’s nothing worse than cleaning in silence and feeling as if time is never-ending.

2. Prioritize Your Things

Take a look around your room and decide what you want to keep and what you don’t mind giving away. De-cluttering starts with letting go of items you don’t use or need anymore and giving them away or donating to someone who may need them. Taking a look at your room as a whole and coming up with a final vision of how you want it to look can help with the process of prioritizing. 

3. Clean small trash first

As a college student, I can say that the item that piles up most frequently are water bottles. Picking up small pieces of trash laying around your room first can help to make your room look cleaner. Take a trash bag around, and start throwing those old notes and crumpled up pieces of paper first before you get down to the nitty-gritty. 


4. Put things into piles

I always find it helpful when I categorize my mess before I start putting things where they belong. This helps me not to feel overwhelmed and stressed when I can visualize how many shirts I have to put away, or how many textbooks I have laying around. This also allows you to “sort of” clean before you actually put things away (condensing your mess counts, right?). 

5. Reward yourself afterward

After you’ve accumulated piles of similar things, you can now start putting everything away in their designated places and finally relax. Cleaning can be super tiresome, so relaxing by watching Netflix (or anything that winds you down) is an awesome way to reward yourself for all of the hard work…until you have to repeat the process two days later after a tornado magically destroys your room *insert Frank Ocean lyrics*.

Happy Spring!


[ Photos courtesy of www.GIPHY.com ]

Natalia Pavel is currently Senior at UNCW studying communication and digital art, hoping to pursue a career in marketing or graphic design. Her passions include graphic design and writing. She's always starting new projects, and gets inspiration from the beach where she resides during the school year. You will most likely find her with her computer working on Adobe InDesign at a local coffee shop.